Меня зовут Настя Понедельник. Этой мой кулинарный журнал.
По всем вопросам пишите n_ponedelnik@mail.ru
Добро пожаловать! :)
Мои фотоработы c рецептами можно увидеть в книгах - "Вегетарианство" и "Домашняя кухня". См раздел КНИГИ
В июне 2013 года в продаже пявилась моя первая авторская книга ''Домашнее мороженое".
I am Nastia and this is my culinary journal.
I have no idea what one should write in introductions like this.
I have a very large culinary library in English and French. It came to me from my uncle who studied in the Sorbonne and was buying gastronomic literature in the 60s.
Most of my recipes come from foreign cook books. When i change something in the recipe, i definitely mention it.
Photography is my main hobby. You can find my photos in the books "Vegeterian food" and "Home cooking" published by "Your book". I was both a photographer and stylist for these books.
I have also published my own book "Homemade icecream".
You won't find hyper complicated recipes in this journal. I take pictures of the food I cook for my family. Very occasionally you might run into something more complicated.